Anxiety Treatment

Counselling for Anxiety and Stress

Spending all day worried and overly stressed can be extremely taxing on your mind and body. Perhaps, it was not always like this in the past. But lately, you seem to be on edge all the time.

Anxiety can feel like a constant discomfort behind everything you do, or it can strike out of nowhere as a panic attack.

These episodes are scary and can leave you dreading a recurrence. As a result, you may feel tense, and on the lookout for anxiety to creep back in and ruin your day. You may have also found yourself avoiding places, circumstances, or other anxiety triggers.

Anxiety disorders has become the most recurrent mental health condition faced by Americans today. This is no surprise considering the hectic pace of modern life. Not to mention the global political and economic crises that make us feel like we are treading on shaky ground.

Jobs, relationships, and opportunities in the past were much more reliable than nowadays. Conditions have changed, and not everyone deals with them equally.

Society expects us to stay productive 24/7, so it is no surprise to find ourselves living under constant stress.

Stress and anxiety, to some degree, are expected.

Stress is a natural and healthy response to daily challenges. After all, anxiety motivates us to act and take timely action when necessary.

It also prepares us for potential threats, helps us get out of our comfort zone, and adapt to change.

However, experiencing ongoing anxiety during most parts of our days brings complications to our physical health and emotional well-being.

We cannot escape stressful and conflicting events, for they are part of our human experience, as are our reactions to them.

But if they lead to constant unwanted thoughts, we begin to limit our experiences and possibilities, leading to poor quality of life.

Living life fearing the unknown can be unbearable and extremely difficult to understand. Anxiety disorders can make you feel trapped and unable to enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.

Common Anxiety Symptoms

Even though some anxiety is expected and each person experiences it a little bit differently, these common signs may indicate that you could benefit from anxiety treatment:

  • Excessive worry about performance at school or work, money, family, and/or health.
  • Irrational expectation of worst-case scenarios
  • Recurring headaches
  • Physical tension
  • Increased heart rate
  • Trembling
  • Sweating
  • Rapid breathing

You May Be Experiencing:

  • Feeling restless and nervous
  • Inability to relax
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Constantly fatigued
  • Lack of motivation
  • Trouble with attention
  • Urge to avoid anxiety triggers

Again, these symptoms can differ for each person. But in general, someone suffering from anxiety can be unable to make decisions, experience overwhelming and constant fear, a feeling of being paralyzed, or even periods of panic.

Anxiety symptoms can sometimes feel mildly irritating. Other times, they can be so disruptive that they could keep you from living your regular life.

If You Are Experiencing Some of These Symptoms, It May Be Time For Counselling.

If you are struggling with most of the symptoms mentioned above, and these symptoms are making life increasingly difficult to manage, you may have an anxiety disorder.

These range from Generalized Anxiety Disorder /GAD), Social Anxiety, Phobia-Related Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Panic Disorder, among other common diagnoses.

Anxiety disorders not only affect your physical health. It can affect your work, personal relationships, social encounters, and other areas of your life, making it difficult to cope.

If you experience several of these symptoms, whether or not you have an anxiety disorder, a qualified mental health professional can help you find relief. Your therapist can take a closer look at your personal experience and help you better understand the root of your anxiety.

Counselling can help you learn and practice new coping skills to manage your symptoms and reframe your thoughts on your anxiety. Eventually, you’ll be able to face the situations that currently make you feel anxious with the support and guidance of your therapist.

We Understand How Challenging and Frustrating Anxiety Can Be.

Our empathetic and supportive mental health experts understand how frustrated and strained you feel. We have successfully helped clients struggling with constant fear and anxious thoughts that have consumed almost every aspect of their lives.

When you are unable to live your life as fully as you want, maybe the time has come for you to talk to someone and build personal strategies and coping mechanisms to regain your independence.

Counselling Can Help With Anxiety

Our counsellors specialize in treating anxiety in our Saskatoon office. We know that anxiety disorders can be overwhelming and that each person experiences it differently.

Our highly skilled mental health counsellors use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in addition to other proven psychotherapy techniques to help you manage your anxiety symptoms and find relief. Our therapists will work with you to design an individualized plan with personal interventions and objectives.

The goal when treating anxiety is to get to the core of the underlying triggers that cause your stress. Your counsellor will help you identify them through therapy, leading you to better understand your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Understanding the reasons why you fall into the cycle of anxious thinking can help you change your perspective. Your therapist will carefully teach you how to replace irrational beliefs with realistic ones.

Begin Your Anxiety Treatment With First Talk and Overcome Anxiety Symptoms

Struggling with stress, insomnia, and ongoing fear can be a lonely path. But anxiety doesn’t have to take over your life experiences and social interactions, preventing you from reaching your full potential.

If you are unable to focus or stay motivated, anxiety therapy can help you overcome these obstacles and enjoy life again.

Our skilled counsellors are experienced in helping people like you regain their confidence and flourish. We aim to help you recover your freedom and go for the experiences that make your life meaningful.

Let's Have The First Talk.